Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I am listening to this Misty Edwards' song: "Finally I surrender".

"All I want is-- You to have Your way
You are the Potter, I am the clay.
All I need is-- You to have Your Way
You are Creator & I am what You've made."

So beautiful. This is so the cry of my heart tonight. The best thing, the greatest thing that I could cry out for day and night is for the Will of the Most High to be accomplished. It is the lifting of my head to know that I am HIS. He has not failed me, nor flawed me, nor forgotten me. I am walking in His perfect will-- even now-- even in the darkness of secrecy. I don't know what tomorrow holds-- I am not assured that my dreams will unfold as I see them-- and YET THIS-- I am HIS. I am His beloved and He cannot harm me. Behold how good is His heart and how pure are His paths! Rejoice, o my soul, in this. See-- His wind blows heavily all around you to assure it is so. He has reduced you to weeping over His incredible tenderness. Dare you let the words of others, the advice from friends, or the bleak circumstances sway you from this unparalleled vision? Don't stray! He is your Life. He is the One whose Truth defines all other realities.

Stand firm that, after all this, you may be able to still stand.

"Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:23.

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