Monday, June 20, 2011

I landed in Orlando International at 4:47 am after spending the last 3.5 hours trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in a not so warm airplane... Chalk this up to the 3rd day this past week where I have had less than 4 hours of sleep.
Nonetheless---I have commenced my first business trip!!!

It cracks me up to think that I'm actually flying to a different state on a company credit card so that I can attend some conferences. I mean, this is for people who wear business suits, who have slim and tidy carry on baggage only, and who are polished and mature. Here I am, in pigtails, balancing my bulging suitcase, and lugging my overweighted purse, while trying to stuff it into a red Target environmental bag which holds my computer, sweatshirt, and some snacks, so I can sneak three actual items onto the plane in order to avoid checking in luggage. I'm bent over from my precariously placed materialism, and I almost knock out some woman trying to get my luggage in the overhead container. Smooth, very smooth.
So this is corporate me. After I picked up my rental car, I headed straight for a Starbucks...not because I was craving their muddied caffeine at 5:40 in the morning, but because (brilliant me)I had not printed out my hotel information nor directions to any place in this large, large city and therefore I was desperate to access some free wifi. Yes, this is corporate me. Please don't rat me out to my bosses just yet. (although I have a sneaking suspicion they would not be surprised by any of this...)
And so, I plan on keeping you all updated about this new venture of mine while I'm down here, since I anticipate spending long hours in my lush hotel room reveling in all the alone time I have. Of course, I will need to get some work done, so... ooh! perhaps I can blog while I'm in the conferences... heh, heh, heh.

1 comment:

  1. Cute...
    enjoying the imagery
    Hope God blesses you in ways you'll recognize & appreciate.
